My name is William Patrick Reid, and as a storyteller, I pride myself on my ambition and empathy. I am devoted to telling stories that not only emotionally move people but cause them to investigate their personal beliefs. I view all of my performances as vehicles of change, not only for myself, but for the audience as well.

Growing up neurodivergent, I often found that portraying different characters would allowed me to develop deep emotional and empathic skills. By continuing to hone these skills, I eventually settled into a blend of acting styles that is rooted in deep connection to the character backed by a strong understanding of the text in which they live.​

I currently live just outside of Philadelphia and work as a theatrical educator and youth director in South Jersey. (Check out my EDUCATOR page to learn more!) In my free time, I can frequently be found binge watching anime or reading manga, rigorously analyzing song lyrics, and further honing my craft.